In the excruciating pains of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the sorrowful Mother is prostrated at the foot of the cross of Her Son, both in meek company. Our Lord bows His head in order not to see the suffering of Mary, but His eyes cannot resist wanting to admire so much love in woes, despite that, beyond that love, God loved men much more, allowing the soul of that tearful Love, being pierced by a sword. And while our King is giving to men until His last drop of Precious Blood , he gazes at John to say to the Virgin such words, «Woman, behold Thy son!» and to John, «Behold Thy mother!» The Blessed Mother, who was sobbing without consolation, understood everything, now She would be the Mother of those who, unarmed in defending the love of the cross, remain in love of the cross.
Fortuitous is the man who wants to win wars, conquer lands or just even wake up at dawn, without first abandoning himself to his cross, without praying daily and much less, without loving our Mother, because the children of Mary in these days, know very well that before the Blessed Virgin bruises the Serpent, they will be that heel stalked by Belial and being the bitterness of the world. Thereby, without any doubt, a priority of any human endeavor to undertake, there is a spiritual combat that each of us must face, because due to the distractions, the noise and the weaknesses of our flesh, we let run the time that we must invest to conquer ourselves and give ourselves to God, in order to obtain the riches of the graces of the Most High, and that our Blessed Mother is ready to distribute in abundance, since we must remember that holiness is formed in the storms of spiritual struggles.
What more can one want as a son, if not to defend his Mother? Christ, in His infinite love, has made us the lineage of Holy Tradition to be helped by Divine Grace, but as children, we must be ready to give our lives and not tolerate the different blasphemies that are made against the Heart of the Immaculate, insomuch our Mother has already wept enough with our own sins, as to allow it to be said that the Virgin Mary was a mere disciple of Jesus, that she is not co-redemptrix of the human race, or that it may be admitted that she is not indispensable for the salvation of the souls. It is true that we are surrounded by hosts of evil and that most of the Church has been usurped by the Enemy, but being a time warned by God, we are given in the vicissitudes everything necessary to gain eternal life.
Let us not leave alone to Our Lord Jesus Christ in deep sadness, because while He cleanses our stains with His Precious Blood, do not have the gall to miss the highest and unworthy ministry that has been given to us, to love and defend His Blessed Mother. In this way, we must educate ourselves in what we need and humbly help our brothers who need charity. Let us love the purity illuminated by the perfect sapwood of Mary, so that there may be more holy religious vocations and holy families. It is therefore, be the duty of each Christian to strengthen his faith and consecrate himself to the Heart of our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. We must not forget that we have a Heaven in our favor and that every Catholic says when praying, «Mother, If for loving you a sword has to transpire my soul, so be it.”
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